Looking for a photo-realistic and high-quality outdoor advertising PSD mockup in order to enhance your display, street or other outdoor advertising design presentation? Download this Free Advertising Display V02 Mock-up in PSD right now and apply to your design.
Use Photoshop to make all the customizations: Get Photoshop as part of a Creative Cloud single-app plan for just US$20.99/mo. This Free Advertising Display V02 mockup can be good for implementing a lot of designers ideas as well.
Enjoy this Mock-up from Free-PSD-Templates and follow us on Facebook!
It was created exclusively for our website. The Mock-Up is fully layered and well organized. You are free to download this PSD MockUp template and modify it the way you wish. Make a successful choice!
1 Psd File
300 dpi / RGB
Easy To Edit
Well Organized Layers
Quick Photo Replacement